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Meet Micah Yinpang Bavi Zing
He is a Ghanaian pursuing advanced studies in Financial Innovation for Economic Development at Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Milken Institute of Innovation). At the undergraduate level, He studied BSc Development Management from the University for Development Studies (UDS) where he graduated with first-class honour.
As part of his leadership and work experience, Mr Zing is the Co-founder and CEO of In-Out Research Consult (In-Out Group), one of the emerging research companies in Ghana.
He is a cohort three fellow of the most prestigious fellowship programme in Ghana dubbed, “Emerging Public Leaders Fellowship (EPL) of Ghana placed at the Ministry of Roads and Highways, the Policy and Planning Directorate to be precise. He serves as an Assistant Project Officer under the World Bank Transport Sector Improvement Programme (TSIP).
Mr. Zing is a graduate of the West African Young Innovation Leaders Fellowship (YIL), 2021 Cohort where he was awarded the Best Graduating Fellow of the 2021 cohort.
He is an Archimedes in research and community development activities who aspire to assist policymakers in creating vibrant government policies that can spur socio-economic development of Ghana and Africa as a whole.