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Our history and purpose


The In-Out Group is a research-related platform established by young professionals aimed at promoting and scaling-up research and innovation across various sectors in Africa and the world at large.


To provide research findings that can be used by governments, institutions, and individuals to spur policy formulation and socio-economic development in Africa.

To achieve this goal, we have a team of professionals who have demonstrated outstanding performances in research-related activities and their endeavors in various sectors as staff of In-Out Group. Our team of professionals is inspired on how to conduct research on academic works, research on socio-economic activities, architectural and building designs, proposals and graphic designs, etc. our goal in In-Out Group is to create a system to scale up excellence in research in various fields.


To create and be the largest platform for scaling-up research and innovation in Africa and the World at large.


To provide realistic and reliable research findings for policy formulation and decision making and to scale up academic excellence among tertiary institutions through research.


Scaling up excellence through research


Despite the country’s endowment with numerous tertiary institutions and research institutes, the country faces several gaps with regards to how research findings can contribute to effective and vibrant policy formulation in the country and the sub-region at large. With the vast wealth of human talent in the various tertiary institutions, graduates are still unable to conduct a simple research of value to societal development. Again, with the advancement of technology in modern times, lots of IT skills are needed to live up to the current trends in society. As a result, there is a need to have smart and effective research institutions and consultancies across the continents that can provide realistic and reliable findings to aid governments in formulating policies that reflect the lives of the ordinary citizenry. Also, there is the need to foster a revolution in our educational system where much focus is placed on how to develop the research skills of our graduates in the continents hence, the gaps we are seeking to address.